Things I’m Loving Right Now
The past few blogs have been discussing pretty heavy topics. This week, I wanted to talk about things that I am just really loving or enjoying right now. I think it’s good to take a look around you and note what things bring you joy in life. The big and the small things. As the past few months have been crazy with medical school applications, traveling, moving to a new city, I am glad to have these things that have made my life so much better.
1. Obsidian - note taking app
Listen, I get it. Why on earth do you need another note taking app? There’s so many out there already, including the Apple Notes app already downloaded to your phone (if you have an iPhone). For most of my life, I used Apple Notes as a black hole for all of my to-do lists, random thoughts, gym workouts, passwords. It was a culmination of brain dumps. And it was a mess to navigate - most of the times I would never actually use the notes I made. Until I watched Ali Abdaal’s YouTube video on How to Organise Your Life - Building a Second Brain, where he talked about utilizing note taking as a way to use those brain dumps for your creativity, productivity, and everything else. Anytime I need to make a list of things I need to get for the week, I jot it down in Obsidian under a folder I named “Things to do”. Anytime I need to brainstorm ideas for a medical school application essay, I’ll go on a walk and dictate my ideas into the app. Anytime I have a random blog post idea or other creative project idea while I’m out and about, I’ll quickly type it. This way, I have a culmination of the thoughts I have throughout my day that are actually useful and help me be more productive. It has truly been a game changer.
2. Dessert - literally any kind
Loving dessert is nothing new. But recently, I’ve taken a liking to really dedicating certain days to having an awesome pastry, trying out a new flavor ice cream, or going to new dessert bakery shops. Imagine it’s a week day, and you had very average meals. Coffee and bagel for breakfast, some sandwich for lunch, some rice bowl for dinner. You get home, and are wiped out from how much work you did today. Or maybe you didn’t work at all and just laid in bed. Either way, you know you have this awesome cookie you got at a local dessert shop, and it’s going to be the perfect way to end your day. Dessert, for me, holds a special place in my heart because it always symbolizes a moment of celebration (birthday parties, friend gatherings, family reunions, etc.). To bring a slice of celebration into my day to day has given me the opportunity for gratitude in the easiest way possible. This mindset can be applied to anything else in your life that you enjoy as well - the little things that make the day special, even when it’s just a normal Tuesday. It doesn’t have to cost any money - maybe you enjoy dancing and like to do that at the end of your day in your room. Whatever my dessert is, I know I’m enjoying myself.
Cornflake Chocolate Chip Marshmallow Cookie at Milk Bar
3. Sentimental home decor
Home decor is so niche and dependent on who you are. I think that’s what makes it so special to see whenever you walk into someone’s house, apartment, or room. But with the rise of TikTok and influencer trends dominating the home decor market, it gives rise for inspiration but also superficial following. There is nothing wrong with following a trend - I myself was also a follower of the fake vines trend way back in quarantine. But I’ve realized that, over the years, buying home decor just for the sake of its aesthetics and trendiness has left me feeling like I’m living in some sort of simulation. Most of the objects in my room did not bring me happiness, memory, or connection - instead, they acted like pieces of art in a museum (which is also fine! Just not for me). Moving to a new city, I knew I wanted to only put pieces in my room that I truly enjoyed. I got a plant from a shop that one of my closest friends had gotten a plant for me before, a painting that me and my sister found stumbling upon a local art studio, a board of photos with my closest friends and family. My space gives me a feeling of community and connection - making me feel safe and at peace.
Painting I found with my sister in local UWS art studio
Let me know what you guys have been liking and what brings happiness to your days. I am always down for more recommendations!